
– How does social media engage in advocacy communications?

Integrating social media into advocacy programs makes it easier to succeed as communication strategies can be used in a broader scope. As people nowadays rely heavily on social media, it has become a perfect tool to boost the reach and influence engagement activities in public.
Any social advocacy projects or political projects can benefit from the nature of social media, as it has low entry barriers, and it is self-generated through conversations with interactions. Advocacy missions are significantly more efficient with the mobility internet created and the powerful algorithms that gather potential participants to the communication subject.

– How does social media use in public discourse potentially challenge advocacy communications?

Some argue that activists or groups of interest use social media and its technical ability to impact citizens’ choice and can primarily affect their choice in political events such as voting, resulting in citizens being instigated and making impulse decisions. In political events, such disruptions are potentially causing enormous consequences, especially when the disruption is widespread. Political advertisement and fake gossip are examples of the techniques that the marketing sectors of a particular election campaign might use to turn the tide. Therefore, policies of regulating social platforms to stay neutral are applied not long ago.

-Does your PLN amplify the views of others?

I am usually cautious when dealing with opinions and advocacy campaigns. However, it is hard to avoid personal feelings applied to a specific opinion commented in PLN. Once the opinion is published, the upgraded attitude can potentially pass down to the next person to result in a butterfly effect.

– The policies of employer social media communication expectations.

Firms without proper social media policy are ignoring the probabilities of a massive public relations crisis. Employers are also expecting employees can contribute positively with their social media usage. Examples of the expectations can be, addressing the consequence of slander, threatening, or spread personal hate towards personal within the firm. The use of social media related to firm-related content or brand-related content is also essential to manage and regulate, or else reputation loss may take place.


Whelpton, Shelley. “Why Investing in Media Is Critical to Successful Advocacy.” Arabella Advisors, 25 June 2019, 

“Social Media Has Changed the Advocacy Landscape Forever.” Association Adviser, 18 Nov. 2019, 

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